
Showing posts from February, 2021

The roles and responsibilities of the IT infrastructure expert in your business

 The pandemic of Covid-19 has forced businesses around the world to quickly adapt and move to the cloud to allow remote work. After the transformation, what many companies have not done is take a step back and ask themselves if the improvements they made were the best for the company. Did the alterations set up their team for success? Did the new landscape allow them to work in an IT environment that is healthy, stable, and effective? Were their IT services better or worse than they were before the pandemic? It's equivalent to remodeling your house when you still live in it to make a change to your IT infrastructure. If you don't do it right, you'll be in trouble. Your organization is made up of individuals who rely on sound technology to do their jobs effectively. A poorly set up IT infrastructure will lead to disgruntled members of the team, reductions in quality and productivity, and in the long run it will cost you even more. 70 percent of companies surveyed assume that