Cloud Financial Planning and Analysis Solutions: Why Choose Them?

In the most basic sense, cloud computing is using the internet based applications to provide solutions or solve problems rather than having physical infrastructure in your office, personalized for your use. 

But, the question is, how does this help you? 

If you are into providing or using financial planning solutions, why should you choose cloud financial planning and analysis solutions rather than the conventional options? 

This is primarily because of the numerous advantages the cloud computing model brings along. 

Advantages of Using Cloud Financial Planning and Analysis Solutions
No Upfront Investment 
Cloud based solutions use an on-the-go pay model. You don’t need to “own” anything. You subscribe to a web-based solution, and you are sorted. You don’t need any customized hardware or software. 

No Maintenance Requirements     
Using software as a service saves you from hiring any in-house maintenance personnel. All the maintenance costs are borne by the service provider. You get all the functionality within the subscription cost only. 

Saves Time and Energy 
Once you start using cloud financial close solutions, you would realise how much of a time, cost and energy saver it is. With almost no maintenance or customization tasks on your plate, you can actually focus on things that matter and grow your business to increase revenue. 

Easy Implementation
Implementing any customized software in your office can take months at a stretch. However, on the flip side, the SaaS model is easy to use and implement. It can take you anything between a month and six months at the maximum. It is easily scalable and mobile as well. 

Anywhere Access 
Having your customized software in your office systems limits access. You can’t use it on-the-go or if your team is working remotely, for instance. However, cloud based solutions are mobile and can be accessed from just about anywhere. 

Cloud based solutions are the future, there is no denying that. It’s no longer about “why” cloud, it’s more about “when” cloud! Because, more or less, businesses are shifting to the cloud model, and it’s high time you should consider as well. 

Cloud financial planning and analysis solutions can totally change the way you have been managing your finances. It’s more secure, agile, scalable and flexible. 

Plus, you can always integrate multiple cloud based products and have a very nice automated workflow for your team. The possibilities are endless with the cloud. It’s all about how far your innovation goes! 


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